Perl 6 Compiler Perl 6 Compiler Status and the Parrot Compiler Toolkit  
  1. Overview
  2. Shameless plug #1 -- Wednesday's Parrot Track
  3. Shameless plug #2 -- Hack-A-Thon
  4. Which Perl 6 compiler?
  5. Parser Grammar Engine (PGE) progress
  6. Tree Grammar Engine (TGE)
  7. Things that (mostly) work in the Perl 6/Parrot compiler
  8. Things that (mostly) work in the Perl 6/Parrot compiler
  9. Things that ought to be working real soon now
  10. Current implementation goals
  11. Perl 6 compiler overview (June, 2006)
  12. Parsing Perl 6
  13. Regexes, Tokens, and Rules
  14. Tokens can be very efficient
  15. Regexes, Tokens, and Rules
  16. Handling comments and whitespace
  17. The Perl 6 <?ws> token
  18. Statement-level rules (top-down)
  19. A temporary "if/unless" rule
  20. Expressions (bottom up)
  21. Specifying operator tokens and precedence
  22. Operator token traits
  23. Terms (top-down)
  24. subrule
  25. Various subrules
  26. Performing the parse
  27. Activating the compiler
  28. Abstract Syntax Tree (PAST)
  29. Current Perl6::PAST node types
  30. Transforming parse to PAST
  31. Transforming parse to PAST
  32. A simpler transformation
  33. Parrot Opcode Syntax Tree (POST)
  34. PAST to POST transformation
  35. POST to PIR transformation
  36. Current tasks
  37. exit
Copyright © 2006 Patrick Michaud