Programming Parrot Programming Parrot  
  1. Overview
  2. Thank you to my sponsors
  3. History of Parrot
  4. History of Parrot
  5. Parrot
  6. What is Parrot?
  7. Parrot languages (various stages)
  8. Key Parrot Goals
  9. Parrot status
  10. Parrot under the hood
  11. Basic opcodes (PASM)
  12. Parrot Magic Cookies (PMCs)
  13. PMC opcodes
  14. Some Parrot built-in PMC types
  15. PIR - Parrot Intermediate Representation
  16. PIR
  17. Dynamic compilation
  18. Parrot Compiler Toolkit
  19. Basic compilation overview, April 2008
  20. Basic compilation overview, April 2008
  21. Basic compilation overview, April 2008
  22. Basic compilation overview, April 2008
  23. What the compiler writer needs to create
  24. Compiler creation in Parrot
  25. Parrot compiler shell
  26. What is "parsing"?
  27. Perl 6 regular expressions (PGE)
  28. Pattern matching for languages
  29. Syntax
  30. Syntax
  31. Another example
  32. calc example - grammar
  33. calc example -- test parsing
  34. HLLCompiler class
  35. Parrot Abstract Syntax Tree (PAST)
  36. Converting parse tree to PAST
  37. Example: if_stmt
  38. Example: if_stmt (cont'd)
  39. Example: if_stmt (cont'd)
  40. Example: if_stmt (cont'd)
  41. Example: if_stmt (cont'd)
  42. calc example -- adding actions
  43. calc example -- adding actions
  44. calc example -- src/parser/
  45. calc example -- PAST output
  46. calc example -- as PIR!
  47. calc example -- as executable!
  48. Effectiveness of Parrot Compiler Toolkit
  49. Effectiveness of Parrot Compiler Toolkit
  50. Parrot performance
  51. How to get Parrot
Copyright © 2008 Patrick Michaud