Perl 6 Perl 6 Lists and Arrays vivified  
  1. Introduction
  2. Second talk
  3. Getting it right
  4. Perl 6 list specifications
  5. This talk and Rakudo
  6. Some Basics
  7. Arrays
  8. Operations on arrays
  9. More examples
  10. Scalar arrays ("arrayrefs")
  11. Scalar arrays ("arrayrefs")
  12. Scalar arrays ("arrayrefs")
  13. List interpolation
  14. List interpolation
  15. List interpolation
  16. List contexts
  17. Item contexts
  18. Lazy lists
  19. Laziness
  20. Perl 5 lists are eager
  21. Perl 6 lazy list example #1
  22. Perl 6 lazy list example #2
  23. Perl 6 lazy list example #2
  24. Perl 6 lazy list example #2
  25. Perl 6 lazy list example #2
  26. Perl 6 lazy list example #2
  27. How laziness works
  28. Infinite lists
  29. Infinite lists
  30. Infinite arrays
  31. Infinite arrays
  32. A note about .elems
  33. A note about .elems
  34. Using .kv to avoid .elems and simplify indexing
  35. Eagerness
  36. List assignment is eager
  37. Levels of laziness
  38. Action at a distance
  39. List types
  40. So, what exactly is a List?
  41. Array vs. List
  42. Flattening lists
  43. Flattening lists
  44. Flattening lists
  45. Parcel
  46. Flattening (Parcel interpolation)
  47. Nil
  48. Parameter passing with lists
  49. Passing lists as arguments
  50. Passing lists as arguments
  51. Positional role
  52. Slurpy parameters (varargs)
  53. LoL (list-of-list) parameters
  54. Iteration and laziness
  55. Iterables and Iterators
  56. Iterator
  57. Iterator key feature
  58. Generic pattern for Iterator.reify
  59. Gimme
  60. More on slicing
  61. Slices and autotrim
  62. Summary
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