Pm's #parrotsketch report for 2007-01-09 Miscellaneous: * Somewhat less time for Parrot again this week due to @family * Started a list of "ripe" RT tickets for Saturday's bugathon ( HLLCompiler: * Switched default grammar rule to be to better match S03 TGE: * Resolved RT #39905: TGE now reports error line numbers relative to original *.tg file instead of generated *.pir file * Thanks again to jonathan++ for making this possible * This will save me >hours< of effort and (more importantly) frustration PGE: * With kjs, fixed an issue in PGE that would report "Illegal PMC enum(0) in new" instead of the far more useful "Class 'Foo' not found" * This will save others >hours< of effort and (more importantly) frustration Plan for this week: * Tuesday : past-pm: Implement HLL -> parrot type mapping * Wednesday: past-pm/perl6: Fix assign semantics, implement := binding * Thursday : perl6: for loops * Friday : perl6: BEGIN/CHECK/INIT/END blocks * Saturday : Parrot bug day Waiting for resolutions/fixes for: - working subclasses of capture.pmc