[pmwiki-devel] Register shutdown...

The Editor editor at fast.st
Fri Nov 3 16:45:28 CST 2006

On 11/3/06, Crisses <crisses at kinhost.org> wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2006, at 4:30 PM, The Editor wrote:
> Can you explain more if this is something I could use.  I'm talking
> about a way to processes form submissions, reloads the page,
> disconnect from that page, and then run a separate function without
> tying up the browser.  If you did it, how?
> No, you're not saving wiki pages in what you're doing right now.
> Else, as for cron, how do I figure the path I'm supposed to enter?
> complete path.  You're on windows, so it's probably starting with c:/ or
> something similar.
> Again, relative to what/where?
> the entire file system.
>   I really thought this was going to be
> fairly easy...  But more learning!
> *nods*
> Crisses

Thanks again for your help Crisses, I'm a bit slow but do get it
eventually.  Really appreciate your patience and willingess to help.

I have a halfway solution going right now.  I have a (:zapnews:)
markup which calls my newsletter processing function.  It doesn't
return control to the browser but does allow for debugging.

Did get files writing properly and all.  Seems in ZAP it works if the
path is relative to pmwiki.php. Now I'm going through the tough part
of debugging a script I thought would run first time through (of
course).  But making good progress.

To trigger the newsletter function I will either have to have cron
call a pmwiki page with the newsletter directive on it periodially, or
set my computer to call a pmwiki page periodically (somehow), or setup
up a pmwiki page in a skin that refreshes automatically every so often
(maybe even displaying progress...).  I figure if I get the code
working properly, I can figure someway to get it to run down the road.

Any of the the options above seem easy enough to do...  Maybe not
ideal, but doable.  And I'm sure someone could suggest something

Thanks again,


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