[pmwiki-devel] Set authentication session outside of PmWiki

Kory Roberts webmaster at herpsofarkansas.com
Fri Jan 30 23:25:09 CST 2009

I have set up my wiki to authenticate against a forum (PunBB) database 
so that only forum users can edit the wiki.  Here is the recipe:


What I would like to improve is that when a user logs into the forum 
that it also authenticates them for the wiki.  (And similar for logging 

Basically, I need to recreate the wiki authentication from outside of 
PmWiki...and I'm having trouble figuring it out.

It seems I need to understand what SessionAuth() and HandleLogoutA() are 
doing in pmwiki.php, but--if I'm being honest--it's looking a little 

In short, if I can pull a username and password hash from a database 
(and I can), how can I create a session/cookie that will be recognized 
by PmWiki independent of any other information?

Thanks in advance,

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