[pmwiki-devel] Nested IF conditions

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Fri Jun 19 23:49:48 CDT 2009

On 6/20/2009, "DaveG" <pmwiki at solidgone.com> wrote:
>After 4 hours debugging I discovered what I think is a bug if the
>conditional logic. Or perhaps nested conditions work differently to how
>I'd expect -- if so, how do I accomplish .
>(this was tested on pmwiki.org)
>This markup:
>    (:if equal 1 2:)111(:if equal 2 3:)222(:else:)333(:if:)444(:if:)
>produces: 333444
>expected: no output
>odd: 444 is shown, but 111 is not
>Which seems to indicate nested else conditional markup is simply
>ignored, or that the 444 is throwing things off.

Yes, nested conditions work differently to how you expect.

(:if:) works the same way as (:div:) and (:table:) and (:if:) is a
shortcut for (:ifend:)(:if:). To have nested conditionals (or divs) you
need to use a number:
  (:if equal 1 2:)111(:if2 equal 2 3:)222(:else2:)333(:if2:)444(:if:)

I see this is not yet explained in the documentation, it should be, since
we're out of beta now. I'll try to update it later today or tomorrow.


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