[pmwiki-devel] Add guid tag to each item of RSS feeds

Daniel Roesler diafygi at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 08:30:10 CST 2010

Okay, here's a classic example.

I follow my pages and PITS entries via a wikitrail on my profile page
(http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Profiles/Diafygi), and I subscribe to it's
RSS feed (http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Profiles/Diafygi?action=rss). You
would think an RSS feed would notify you of changes to the pages on
that trail. But when Petko updated the PITS/01161, my aggregator
didn't recognize the update. I had no idea that Petko had updated the
page until I came back and checked the site. It created a huge time
lag between discussion/updates.

I've updated the PITS entry to include $ItemUnixTime by default so
there is no need for a new variable.

Daniel Roesler
diafygi at gmail.com

On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Daniel Roesler <diafygi at gmail.com> wrote:
> All the sites I run use RSS feeds as a way to monitor changes to the
> website and that includes edits.
> I guess it depends on what the purpose of your wiki is. For
> collaborative-style wiki's (like pmwiki.org), monitoring edits is
> needed. If you're running a blog-style site, just new entries added to
> the WikiTrail used for RSS generation is needed.
> So, the current default for RSS is geared toward more of a blog-style
> website. I'd like to switch the default to wiki-like edit monitoring
> (we are a wiki, after all), but I don't know what the majority of
> PmWiki admins do with their sites.
> Edit monitoring includes new entry monitoring, but the opposite is not
> true. New entry monitoring skips over edits to old pages. I'd rather
> have extra updates than miss some by default.
> Avast!
> Daniel Roesler
> diafygi at gmail.com
> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 11:33:01AM -0600, Daniel Roesler wrote:
>>> I say we have the <link> element contain {$PageUrl} (like it does now)
>>> and add a separate <guid> element that adds on a unique identifier by
>>> default. I'm ok with the uid being ISO instead of Unix, but we really
>>> need unique links for RSS feeds.
>> We *do* have unique links for RSS feeds -- each page url serves
>> as its own guid (by virtue of there not being a guid entry by
>> default).
>> The question I'm posing is whether each separate edit to a page
>> should default to generating a new guid for the page.  I think
>> that should be a per-site decision, not something that PmWiki
>> dictates to be the case.
>> On the other hand, if the vast majority of sites expect that
>> every edit should result in a new entry in an aggregator, then
>> I'm willing to change the default, as long as we make it clear
>> how to get back to the other behavior.
>> Pm

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