[pmwiki-devel] crypt problem on WAMP

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Fri Jun 4 16:10:07 CDT 2010

On Friday 04 June 2010 17:38:28, Dominique Faure wrote :
> >> I am open to ideas on how PmWiki should deal with this, while
> >> maintaining backward compatibility with existing wiki pages and already
> >> encrypted existing passwords.
> >
> > At least, a warning in the auth form ?

Good idea.

> BTW, since PmWiki only deals with hashed content, why not
> systematically adding some constant padding chars to passwords before
> hashing them? 

Because this will break all current passwords, even those that work on 
sometning different than "less than 4 characters on PHP5.3/Win".

Md5() seems to work fine so in the past I was thinking that we could have our 
function (_crypt?) test for the bug, and if crypt()  appears to be broken, 
automatically use the md5 hash (even if it is less secure). I never had the 
time to work on this.


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