[Pmwiki-users] Error in indent sequence

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Thu Jun 5 11:33:33 CDT 2003

I'm very open for suggestions here.  You're correct, I had forgotten that
I'm reserving '=' for local customizations, so I can go either way on
this one.

I really like the ->, -->, ---> markup at the beginning of a line to mean 
indented text, and I don't think that we'd be eating up a valuable markup
sequence by adding it to PmWiki.  It does add capability that doesn't exist
in PmWiki (i.e., the <blockquote> tag instead of <dl><dd>).  i

I might want to change the implementation slightly so that it's treated 
more along the lines of the list block markups rather than via 
InlineReplacements.  The difference would be most noticeable in things 

    # numbered item 1
    # numbered item 2
    --> indented text
    --> indented text
    # numbered item ?

If implemented via $InlineReplacements, the above would end the first
numbered list, have two blockquotes, and then start a new list with item #1.
If implemented as block markup, the above would cause the indented quotes
to be structurally part of numbered item #2, and it would all be enclosed
in a single numbered list (i.e., the last item would be #3).

I need discussion and votes on this from others--right now I see the 
options as:
    1.  Don't add --> markup to PmWiki, leave it as a local customization
        (in this case I'll make it available via a scripts/ module and
    2.  Add --> markup to InlineReplacements so that it's not structurally
        part of lists
    3.  Add --> markup as a block markup sequence so it's handled like lists
    4.  Use a markup sequence other than --> to indicate blockquoted text, 
        such as ==>
    5.  Combinations of the above, or other ideas people may have.

Send votes and comments either publicly to the list or privately to me--I'll
collate the responses and publish the results.


On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 11:18:06AM -0500, Janice Heinold wrote:
> I had originally solved this with:
> $Blockquote = array ("/^(-+)&gt;(.*)/e" =>
> "str_repeat('<blockquote>',strlen('\$1')).str_replace('\\\"','\"','\$2')
> .str_repeat('</blockquote>',strlen('\$1'))");
> $InlineReplacements = array_merge($Blockquote, $InlineReplacements);
> But =>, ==>, etc. would work as well, and it's still soon enough for me to
> change (I can't speak for everyone, though). Would it then stay as a local
> customization, or become part of pmwiki? Out of curiosity, I remembered
> there was a discussion about reserving = at the beginning of a line. The
> discussion included this in a message on May 16:
> > BTW, I've already recommended to many others that we reserve the
> > equals sign at the beginning of a line for custom block-level or
> > pragma markups.  
> I assume that, since => is a block-level markup, it wouldn't cause problems
> in the future?
> Janice
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pmwiki-users-admin at pmichaud.com
> [mailto:Pmwiki-users-admin at pmichaud.com] On Behalf Of Patrick R. Michaud
> Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 1:10 AM
> To: PmWiki Users
> Subject: Re: [Pmwiki-users] Error in indent sequence
> Out of curiosity, would it work to use "===>" for indents instead of "--->"?
> This would solve the ----> problem.
> Pm

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