[Pmwiki-users] Unwanted Autolinks with WikiWords Off

Eric Celeste efc
Fri Apr 9 10:31:07 CDT 2004

I'm seeing some odd behavior and before I sink time into making it
consistently reproducible I wondered if it was a known issue of some sort.

I have WikiWords turned off in most groups using this method...

  $group = FmtPageName('$Group',$pagename);
  if ($group!='' && $group!='Main' && $group!='PmWiki')
     $WikiWordCountMax = 0;

The odd thing is that certain words, like "UThink", start sprouting the "?"
of a wikiword anyway. Say I have a page called "SideBar" with the text
"UThink : our cool new service" on it. All's fine when I create the page,
but the next day I notice it shows "UThink? : our cool new service". I can
edit the page, add a space at the end of the line, save the page, and the
"?" goes away. The next day, the "?" reappears. I think I've also seen this
behavior with the word "FY04", but I then put that in the explicit stoplist

   $WikiWordCount['FY04'] = 0;

...and don't seem to have had a problem since.

I admit "day" is a rough measure here and I have not done the homework to
demo the issue in my Sandbox, but has anyone else run into something of this
sort? It feels like a bug of some kind, though I'm hard pressed to imagine
what would be so intermittent. Any suggestions?

If not, I'll buckle down some time and see if I can't narrow the scope of
the problem a bit.


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