[Pmwiki-users] List of backward references

Steven Leite steven_leite
Tue Feb 3 21:25:33 CST 2004

> > If the page SensorSystem references the page GyroSkop, it would be nice
> > to have an automatically generated
> > link to SensorSystem on beneath the text of GyroSkop. It's just another
> > click more if I just want to go back.

Sounds like a nice feature, but won't that slow down the system a lot?  It
will now be performing a search for all other pages in the system that
reference itself.  50% of the time the information may not be used, but the
search will be done anyways.

STILL sounds like a useful feature though.  If it's implemented, I'd like to
see it as a toggle, either on or off, additionally, more configuration
options might also be made available, but dependant on the toggled feature.
My only motivation here is to save resources and keep the system running as
fast as possible.  If I've somehow overlooked something, then you can
disregard my comments.

Steven Leite

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