[pmwiki-users] Custom SideBar

David Spitzley dspitzle at wash.k12.mi.us
Wed Apr 6 11:54:46 CDT 2005

Ok, this has been Cookbooked.


>>> "Patrick R. Michaud" <pmichaud at pobox.com> 04/05/05 10:29 PM >>>
On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 03:44:16AM +0200, Ugo Mariani wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just found out (quite by accident) that if I create a new group
> MyGroup) and then I create a MyGroup.SideBar page, I get a custom
sidebar for 
> that group.
> That's really cool.
> So I started wondering, does this work at the page level? If I create
> MyPage.SideBar page, would that give me a custom sidebar just for
that page?

It doesn't do this by default, but it can be made to work.  Edit the
page template and change the line

    <!--wiki:$Group.SideBar Main.SideBar-->

to be something like

    <!--wiki:$Group.$Name-SideBar $Group.SideBar Main.SideBar-->

For MyGroup.SomePage, this will use the first of
MyGroup.SideBar, and Main.SideBar.

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