[pmwiki-users] SALIENCE for the WikiSite's terms of use, copyright, copyleft, and etc?

Pierre Rouzeau pierre at rouzeau.net
Mon Apr 25 17:23:24 CDT 2005

Hello, what I have done for a wiki I am administering is to set a 
variable in the PageFooter, and I fill this variable in the 
local/config.php file. If the variable is empty, noone knows, and an 
admin is free to fill in following his/her desire.

I have named this variable $LicenseSite, but that is a bit ambiguous as 
said in another post, as the site can be larger than the Wiki.

Though, I think we can agree with a variable name to be set in all skin 
template files.

On another hand, I have scratched my head for some time before choosing 
a license, and this is not a simple decision, the infos on the subject 
being large and confusing.
Isn't that a bit off-topic in the wiki doc ?

See below how the variable is set in the template:

   <div id='wikifoot'>
     <div class='footnav'>
       <a href='$PageUrl?action=edit'>$[Edit Page]</a> -
       <a href='$PageUrl?action=diff'>$[Page History]</a> -

And the content I have set is a creative commons license(quite large, 
because it contains some RDF infos)

$LicenseSite = "
<!-- Creative Commons License -->
<table><tr><td valign='top'>
The content of this site is submitted to a
<a rel='license' 
License Creative Commons</a>.
<a rel='license' 
<img alt='Creative Commons License' border='0'
src='$PubDirUrl/somerights20.gif' /></a>
<!-- /Creative Commons License -->
<rdf:RDF xmlns='http://web.resource.org/cc/'
<Work rdf:about=''>
rdf:resource='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/' />
<License rdf:about='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/'>
   <permits rdf:resource='http://web.resource.org/cc/Reproduction' />
   <permits rdf:resource='http://web.resource.org/cc/Distribution' />
   <requires rdf:resource='http://web.resource.org/cc/Notice' />
   <requires rdf:resource='http://web.resource.org/cc/Attribution' />
   <prohibits rdf:resource='http://web.resource.org/cc/CommercialUse' />
   <permits rdf:resource='http://web.resource.org/cc/DerivativeWorks' />
   <requires rdf:resource='http://web.resource.org/cc/ShareAlike' />


Patrick R. Michaud a écrit :
> Monty writes:
>>Therefore, it is *necessary* that templates accomodate these 
>>considerations of the legal contract between the WikiAdministrator and 
>>WikiUser over I.P. rights and licensing.
>>In my opinion, IP rights assignment is so important that it should be 
>>brought to the potential WikiAdministrator's attention when s/he 
>>downloads PmWiki, as something which *must* be decided on *prior* to 
>>launching her/his WikiWiki website.
>>Pm, do you disagree?  
> I often have trouble agreeing with words such as "necessary", 
> "must", "prior", "all", etc.  The world is not always so uniform.
> Not every site that runs PmWiki allows public contributions; indeed,
> the majority of -paying- PmWiki sites are not publicly editable.
> So, saying that an administrator must always write a contributions 
> policy before using PmWiki is just going to frighten off a lot of people
> (indeed, it'll frighten off the ones I'm most interested in having!).
>>Yes, providing anything beyond a well integrated (but empty) hook is ill 
>>advised.  However, omitting hooks is poor, because it causes the average 
>>WikiAdministrator to neglect/forget about writing a site policy and IP 
>>agreement [...]
> I also have trouble with the term "average WikiAdministrator".  :-)
> As I've mentioned in the past, there seem to be about five or six
> overlapping types of PmWiki sites, none of which can be called the
> "average".  And for many of them IP issues don't apply.
> Beyond that, I don't recall that AutoCAD makes strong warnings about
> the risks of using it for engineering structures, or that Adobe 
> Photoshop or wget or FTP warn me too strongly about possible copyright 
> infringements when I use those packages.  At some point the end-user
> is expected to know appropriate uses of the tool.
> But, ultimately I agree that bringing these issues to the attention 
> of new admins would be useful -- I just don't think we need to be 
> "in your face" about it.  Information about IP issues would be very 
> helpful and appropriate in a "Guide to running a public wiki site" 
> page, either as part of the documentation or in the Cookbook.  
> Such a guide could talk about IP issues, as well as security/vandalism,
> the most popular cookbook recipes for such sites, configuration tips
> and tricks, organizational structures, etc.
>>I don't even think PmWiki should offer a general warning.  Just template 
>>hooks to a (initially blank, "policy goes here") policy page.
> Note that adding a hook to a policy-goes-here page in PmWiki is
> as simple as adding it to Main.SideBar -- it doesn't have to be
> in the template.
> In some legal senses a blank "policy goes here" page (or a link to
> such) might be worse than not having one.  Certainly a blank policy page
> implies to others that the site doesn't have a published policy, 
> which might be incorrect.  Sometimes PmWiki is just a small part of 
> a larger system where the policies are distributed via other pages
> or means.
> But if anyone wants to draft some text for a "policy goes here" page,
> or a guide for administrators that discusses the issues and where to
> go for more information, I'll be extremely glad to look at including
> it into the distribution.  :-)
> Pm
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