[pmwiki-users] historical question

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Fri Apr 29 08:35:01 CDT 2005

On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 03:12:32PM +0200, Joachim Durchholz wrote:
> >And there are other conflicts with single asterisks, which is why
> >I just avoided it entirely.  (Similar comments hold for trying to
> >do _underline_ text or /italic/.)
> Mozilla does these markups just fine :-)
> The rule seems to be: a non-alphabetic character to the left and an 
> alphabetic one to the right starts the markup, and the reverse for 
> end-of-markup.

What if an author wants to bold something that doesn't begin/end with
alphabetic characters?

> This seems to work well in emails - with the exception of 
> /absolute/directory/names/.
> Are there any PmWiki markups that would conflict with *...*, _..._, and 
> /.../?

At the moment, the only existing PmWiki markup that might conflict is
the *'s for bullets; to start a line with bold text one would
have to write something like

    [==]*this is bold* text

I've been toying with the idea of swapping the order of processing 
inline and link markup; if we did this then /.../ would mess with 
any sort of url or filename path.


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