[pmwiki-users] more flexible page-sharing for farms

Bronwyn Boltwood arndis at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 00:19:15 CDT 2005

Now that I'm using my wikifarm more, I've noticed that my page-sharing
needs may be more complex than the Use Common Pages recipe
accounts for.  Many of the pages I want to use for shared, farmwide
defaults, are exactly the pages that I need to customize for my admin
work (e.g. Site.Sidebar).  Yet other pages need to exist to ease
maintenance, but shouldn't be seen in the other fields.  It's enough
to make me think about making an admin skin which doesn't use the
standard pages for stuff that will get customized.

Then I remembered something from when page attributes came up for
discussion: while they're all about permissions at the moment, there
could be other page attributes.

So, could we have a "shared page" attribute with similar levels of
configurability to passwords?  (That is, farm, field, group, and page


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