[pmwiki-users] Supporting different modes in default pmwiki

Radu radu at monicsoft.net
Tue Aug 9 14:34:04 CDT 2005

At 01:47 PM 8/9/2005, Neil Herber wrote:
>Unless you are talking about multiple floating windows (or OS X 
>widgets), I find it hard to imagine how a "view" would incorporate 
>something like a calendar.

Calendar functionality (as in what's available on a PDA) can be 
placed in a 150-200px wide side bar, and many sites have it. Many CMS 
systems offer it too.

It's a list of links organized as a calendar and with the date cells 
color-coded with what is available in the calendar on that day. Or a 
list of upcoming events. Or any other calendar view you may have need 
for. Not that I like it particularly, but it's a good thing for 
collaborative projects to have.

>  I would want to or expect to go to a calendar page. Perhaps what 
> is needed for the unimaginative such as me are a few mocked up 
> pages (done in Photoshop if need be) that show me what particular 
> "views" look like and cause me to slap my forehead and say "Oh! I 
> can't do without the Zoidberg view!"

I'd prefer to work on the skin rather than do a mockup of something I 
know exists :)
I tried to look for an example online, but that's just wasting time, 
since it was just a suggestion for what kind of tools we may need on 
the wiki 'desk'.

>Note that in the portion of your list above, four of the items 
>(tables, drawings, equations, and help) are all "tools" I would 
>expect to encounter on the edit page only.

Yes, that is where I listed them. Tools for the edit page the 
toolbars of which may be on or off in order to save space.

>>* an admin view (if not several), with specialized bars for easier 
>>navigation to admin pages and other nooks where the authors should 
>>not poke their noses (including the pages used to maintain/edit the 
>>toolbars and views)
>I accomplish this by having a single link in my sidebar to my admin 
>group, which is read-protected.

Cool. And you probably no not mind the extra clicks that take you 
away from the page or group you're trying to admin. However, I expect 
a basic admin would like to be able to move around the site while 
seeing a quick review of the settings currently in effect on each 
page, where they just make the change they want and click Update.

>>You could agree though, that the few of us who find the idea of 
>>views appealing can continue working on it, right? ;)
>You make it sound like I might disagree with this statement, which I 
>do not. People should never be discouraged from working on (legal) 
>things that enthuse them - you never know what kind of benefits might ensue.

Naw, I was joking (therefore the emoticon). I think we agree on this.

>I do wonder if some of the enthusiasm and energy would be more 
>helpful to the PmWiki cause if it was directed to more mundane 
>things, such as cleaning up the current docs.

As I said before, I tried a few times, but I don't think I'm 
knowledgeable/authoritative enough to make the changes I feel are needed :(


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