[pmwiki-users] Re: PmWiki ver 1

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed Feb 23 14:07:02 CST 2005

On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 08:34:35PM +0100, EuGeNe wrote:
> >Or stated another way, in ver 2 the standard markup for calling
> >PmWiki-admin defined PHP functions is (: :) .  :-)
> Woa! Just to make sure that I get things right : suppose I have a group 
> called Hello and in local/Hello.php I define a function <? function 
> hello() { echo "Hello world"; } ?> ... in any page of the group Hello I 
> can have (: hello() :) and it will show Hello world?

No, that's definitely not right.  We certainly don't want someone
to be able to write

    (: unlink('wiki.d') :)

in a page and suddenly wonder where all of our pages went.  Thus
we don't want to have a markup that allows an author to call
any function.

PmWiki's approach is to make it easy to define custom markup -- i.e.,
an admin can define a hello() function:

    function hello() { return "Hello World"; }

and also add a markup to call that function:

    Markup('hello', 'directives', 

which says that anywhere the author writes (:hello:), replace it
with whatever the hello() function returns.


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