[pmwiki-users] variables for customization

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Thu Jul 7 09:13:21 CDT 2005

On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 04:00:41PM +0200, Joachim Durchholz wrote:
> >>In other words: if it looks the same, it should mean the same. If I find 
> >>$PageName in a format string, the naming is consistent with 
> >>(case-insensitive!) $pagename in the PHP code, so we expect the 
> >>semantics to be consistent. 
> >
> >Please-please-please, how many times do I have to repeat that the
> >$PageName substitution has been deprecated (since 2.0.devel14), thus 
> >this particular mis-correspondence no longer exists!?!?
> Um... the persistence that $PageName crops up with just *might* be an 
> indicator how strong the drive towards unified naming is ;-)

No, I think it's an indicator that you believe that $PageName (the
substitution) means the same thing as the $pagename variable.  They
don't mean the same thing, which is why their names are no longer
"unified" and shouldn't be unified.

> >>>1.  Things like "{$Group}" and "{$LastModified}" are *markup*.  
> >>>  You can call them "variables" or "markup variables" if it pleases 
> >>>  you, but they don't really exist as variables anywhere in the 
> >>>  PmWiki code, nor is there an enforced correspondence between them
> >>>  and any PHP variable.  
> >>
> >>My suggestion is to establish such a correspondence. 
> >
> >Sorry, won't go there -- I fear it might be a bad idea from a
> >security perspective.  Establishing this correspondence means that
> >a (malicious) author can use markup to inspect the value of global
> >variables.
> No, no, no. The idea is that *if* a PHP global is available for 
> substitution, the placeholder should look the same as the variable.

Oh, once again, that already exists -- in PmWiki all of the 
placeholders' names exactly correspond with their substitutions.

> ... well, whatever the details: the one thing that I really, really, 
> really would like to see is that a name like $Group means the same, 
> whether it's a PHP global, a placeholder, or {$var} markup. The only 
> variation that I'd find justified is if a name is unavailable.

{$Group} markup and the "$Group" substitution always refer to the 
group of the page being referenced.  There is no $Group global
variable, because doing so interferes with the $Group substitution
used by FmtPageName() to determine the group of pages other than
the current one.


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