[pmwiki-users] improved markup for floating images...?

Radu radu at monicsoft.net
Thu Jul 28 18:37:30 CDT 2005

Neat page!

I *may* be nitpicking here, but would it be possible to center the 
caption under the image in a lframe and rframe? I tried

    %rframe% %center% Attach:test.gif"Just a test" | Testing

... and it doesn't work. Probably fixable in the css for the frames?

As an aside, if John Rankin is reading this, do they have any plans 
to add handling for these in their pdf exporter?

At 03:09 PM 7/28/2005, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>Okay, the current implementation of image floating is now available
>on pmwiki.org for people to test and play with.  I've put up a
>draft "Images" documentation page at
>     http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Images


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