[pmwiki-users] Re: pmwiki-2.0.beta38 released, notes on future releases

Ed W lists at wildgooses.com
Wed Jun 15 08:19:21 CDT 2005

>Could you give an example of the context?  In general I'd vote for writing 
>something like

Just click on the Documentation Index link on the left and follow 
through the pages from the top (I used the next links at the bottom of 
each page)

Every link right now is usually in WikiLink format.  So all I did was 
this [[WikiLink]]

However, I then briefly tried changing them to [[Wiki Link]] and 
realised that this creates a potential problem where someone would need 
to go through and change all links to this format...  I think that the 
standard at the moment is to use [[WikiStyles]] and [[AdvancedTables]] 

So what to do...?

Ed W

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