[pmwiki-users] Input recipe

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Sat Jun 25 02:48:37 CDT 2005

Bronwyn Boltwood wrote:

> Alright, I give up!  I don't know what most of the answers should be 
> -- I've never built a working HTML form in my life, let alone the 
> script to process the results.  The most I ever needed to do was make
>  a mockup that looked pretty!
> But then, if you're trying to make custom forms available to the
> great unwashed, then this is exactly the kind of problem they're
> going to have.
> I wonder why HTML forms are so hard?

Because they need to translate between two worlds: HTML and scripting. 
For display, you need visual information; for scripting, you need to 
specify how user actions are to be translated into something that a 
script can understand.
HTML chose to submit name=value pairs to the script, which is a 
reasonable thing to do. However, this means:

For text input controls (single-line, multi-line, password-style), HTML 
needs to specify a control name. The value for the name=value pair is of 
course taken from the control's textual contents (after the user has 
edited it).

For choice controls (radio buttons, checkboxes, selection menus), we 
again need to specify a name, but a value, too; those controls that are 
checked send the name with their value, those that aren't don't send 
anything. I.e. if you have a radiobutton group like this:
   Displayed as  Name        Value
   (o) Radio 1   radiogroup    1
   (*) Radio 2   radiogroup    2
   (o) Radio 3   radiogroup    3
then the script will get radiogroup=2.

There are several additional things that can be set up:
* Every HTML control can be "disabled" - i.e. it will display, but it 
won't react to user input, and it will not send a name=value pair to the 
* Every textual HTML control can be "read-only" - i.e. it will accept 
only user input that doesn't change the contents (moving the cursor is 
OK, copying from the text is OK too, but typing text is not OK).
* Multiline text fields have not only a width but a height, too. One 
could specify the size of such a field via something like
   |            |
   |            |
which would give a two-line field, but it would be *very* awkward both 
for PmWiki to recognise and for the wikipage editor to set up.
* Selection menus can allow single or multiple selection. Yet another 

I think setting up editfields and such using "intuitive syntax" is a 
good idea, and maybe it should be done... but it doesn't scale to the 
full set of HTML functionality, so we'd have to do it as with tables: 
intuitive syntax for the standard case, and full syntax for those who 
need all those options.

To set up an intuitive syntax, we'll have to solve one outstanding 
problem: how do we attach a control name to, say, a text control?
Assuming a 10-column text field is written as
how should the markup look like for adding the control name? It could be 
something like
i.e. the name follows immediately without an intervening blank - I don't 
particularly like that proposal, it's just the first thing that came up 
in my mind (I'm currently programming the regexp rulesets for the 
(:input...:) syntax, so I'm mentally tied up the wrong way to come up 
with anything useful for alternate syntaxes right now).


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