[pmwiki-users] RFC: Eliminating <p class='vspace'></p> (REVISED)

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Sun Apr 2 22:11:56 CDT 2006

On Monday, 3 April 2006 2:18 PM, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
>On Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 12:57:11PM +1200, John Rankin wrote:
>> If changing $HTMLVSpace from p to div makes people happy,
>> I'm all for it. Thinking about it some more, people can
>> control spacing between paragraphs *and* retain
>> list spacing with a markup rule that looks for
>> <div class='vspace></div><p and replaces it with
>> something else. In other words, they don't have to set
>> $HTMLVSpace to '' if they need it in other situations.
>Oddly enough, this is *exactly* the thought that occurred to me
>as I was out running errands this evening!  :-)
>So, here's my new proposal:
>- The default value of $HTMLVSpace will change from 
>  "<p class='vspace'></p>" to "<div class='vspace'></div>".

>- PmWiki will add a new markup rule, to occur late in processing
>  (i.e., after wikistyles), that will convert things like
>     <div class='vspace'></div><p>   and
>     <div class='vspace'></div><p class='xyz'>
>  to
>     <p class='vspace'>    and
>     <p class='vspace xyz'>
>- An alternate custom markup rule can be made available in the 
>  Cookbook that will coalesce the <div class='vspace'></div>
>  into class="vspace" attributes for list items, definitions,
>  tables, and other elements in addition to paragraphs.

and perhaps a rule to act as an example for sites that want to 
support unspaced paragraphs:

    Here's a normally spaced book paragraph followed
    by an unspaced but indented paragraph. Lorem ipsum 
    dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam 
    diam tellus, dapibus vitae, sagittis eu, aliquam sit.

    %book% amet, sapien. Donec rutrum ante sed metus. 
    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci 
    luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. 

In this case, I think, the second paragraph will want to
turn into <p class='book'> not <p class='vspace book'>.

>- The wikistyles code remains unchanged.  (Yay!)

I'll drink to that!

John Rankin

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