[pmwiki-users] IMG with border. Possible?

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Fri Apr 28 17:18:29 CDT 2006

On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 10:03:38AM +1200, Allister Jenks wrote:
> On 4/29/06, malexism at free.fr <malexism at free.fr> wrote:
> >
> > try %border='4px solid black' apply=img%Attach:MyPic.jpg%%
> >
> Excellent.  Thanks!
> I did wonder what apply= is for but the WikiStyles page doesn't
> actually say anything other than it exists.

In case someone wants to update the documentation, I'll give a brief
explanation here and others can work on making it understandable.  :-)

Normally a wikistyle applies to a span of (inline) text, but
the apply= attribute allows a style to be applied to something
else.  The predefined apply= values are:

    apply=img        apply the style to any image that follows
    apply=p          apply the style to the current paragraph*
    apply=pre        apply the style to the current preformatted text
    apply=list       apply the style to the current list*
    apply=item       apply the style to the current list item*
    apply=div        apply the style to the current div
    apply=block      apply the style to the current block,*
                     whether it's a paragraph, list, list item, 
                     heading, or division.

The starred items also have wikistyle shortcuts already defined,
thus %p color=blue% is the same as %apply=p color=blue%, and
%list ROMAN% is the same as %apply=list list-style=upper-roman%.  

(It's a fair question as to why the unstarred items above don't
have shortcuts -- perhaps they should.)

Some wikistyle shortcuts also make use of apply, thus %right%
is a shortcut for %text-align=right apply=block%.

An applied wikistyle will only take effect if it's on the 
line that starts the thing it's supposed to modify.  In other
words, a wikistyle in the third markup line of a paragraph 
can't change the attributes of the paragraph:

    here is some text in
    a paragraph and if
    we try to %apply=p color=blue% change
    the color of the paragraph in the middle
    it won't work because the style comes 
    after the paragraph has already been started.

    However, this %p color=red% paragraph
    ''will'' be in red because its block style does
    occur in the first line of its text.

    * Here's a list item
    * %list red% Oops, too late to affect the list!


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