[pmwiki-users] Comments in page

Stirling Westrup sti at pooq.com
Wed Aug 30 14:00:55 CDT 2006

The Editor wrote:
> Tom,
> Just a thought--you could combine this with the FAST Data recipe
> allowing you to use a simple input form to save any number of comments
> (either as specific fields, or as a running log) and then retrieve
> them very easily in the post it notes like wikistyles suggested by the
> others.
> I'm working on my forum section right now and it was a snap to create
> multiple forums, each fully commented, etc., and even emailable.
> (I'll be putting up a live demo once I can work through a little
> pagelist problem).  Anyway, you might find it worth exploring.
> As for the others, where is the css for
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/Note.  That was quite cool.

I've been following your work on the FAST Data recipe with some interest
but I must confess that I'm not sure HOW one uses it to produce the
features (forums, comment systems, etc) that you mention. This may be
partly due to the fact that I've never yet needed to create a form in
PmWiki and am not sure how they work.

In any case, I hope you create a Cookbook.FASTData-Examples page at some
point that shows how to use this (apparently very flexible) recipe for a
number of different tasks.

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