[pmwiki-users] Simple table grid with single character cells

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Sat Oct 21 22:09:41 CDT 2006

Pico wrote:
> Any interest in writing this, or at least giving me some hints how I 
> might approach it?
> Disclaimer: I've never coded any php, but I can read enough to hack my 
> way out of a small paper bag.  Given the modest requirements set forth 
> below, the code could be child's play, or fun, or both (or neither).
> Questions:
> 1. How would I code a markup rule to create a table where each cell is 
> only one character (or stated conversely, where each character occupies 
> its own cell)?
> 2. Can that code be incorporated to work with simple tables?
> Markup:
> Assume a markup delimiter of three pipes ||| to start (and end) this 
> special grid-table rule.  (It could be anything else, but a variation on 
> existing simple table markup seems reasonably intuitive to use and code).
> Examples:
> 1. Instead of writing this (using the existing simple table markup)
> ||1||2||3||A||B||C||a||b||c||-||+||=||^||_||
> I want a new markup markup that would let me achieve the same result as 
> above by simply writing the following:
> |||123ABCabc-+=^_|||
> 2. Incorporated to work with simple tables, I want to generate the same 
> results as these:
> ||Description||1||2||3||A||B||C||a||b||c||-||+||=||^||_||
> or
> ||1||2||3||A||B||C||a||b||c||-||+||=||^||_||Description||
> By simply writing the following:
> |||123ABCabc-+=^_|||Description||
> or 
> ||Description|||||123ABCabc-+=^_|||
Oops, too many pipes in that last one, it should have been
> What do you say, any takers (or, more precisely, givers)?

One more thing, in case it wasn't clear: white spaces *must* count as 
discrete characters, so that the table grid that would result from the 
following lines of current simple table markup:

||1||+||2||+||3||+||4||+||1||+||2||+||3||+||4||+||       ||
||X|| || ||X|| || || ||X|| || ||X|| ||X|| || || ||Clave  ||
|| || ||S||S|| || ||O||O|| || ||S||S|| || ||O||O||Quinto ||
||O|| || ||B||S|| || ||B||S|| || ||B||O|| ||O|| ||Conga  ||
||M|| || || ||M|| || || ||M|| || ||O|| || || || ||Bombo  ||

Could be generated by the following lines of proposed table grid markup:

|||1+2+3+4+1+2+3+4+|||       ||
|||X  X   X  X X   |||Clave  ||
|||  SS  OO  SS  OO|||Quinto ||
|||O  BS  BS  BO O |||Conga  ||
|||M   M   M  O    |||Bombo  ||

(These examples illustrate a simplified hand drum notation. The 
particular patterns shown are from Afro Cuban carnival rhythms called 
Congas and Comparsas).



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 >>>===pmwiki at ben-amotz.com===>

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