[pmwiki-users] What is dc?

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Thu Sep 28 19:54:11 CDT 2006

On Friday, 29 September 2006 11:10 AM, Jon Haupt <jhaupt at gmail.com> wrote:
>On 9/28/06, JB <jbit at ev1.net> wrote:
>> From: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/WebFeeds
>>    if ($action == 'rss') include_once('scripts/feeds.php');
>>    if ($action == 'atom') include_once('scripts/feeds.php');
>>    if ($action == 'rdf') include_once('scripts/feeds.php');
>>    if ($action == 'dc') include_once('scripts/feeds.php');
>> I know what rss, atom , rdf are.  What is "dc"?
>>From PmWiki/WebFeeds:
>"In addition, although it is not normally considered a web feed,
>PmWiki can generate metadata information using the Dublin Core
>Metadata extensions (?action=dc)."
>Dublin Core has a web site: http://dublincore.org/
A couple of observations:

- IIUC, the browse view should also contain the following:
<link rel='meta' type='text/xml' href='http://path.to.wiki/index.php?n=Group.Page?action=dc' />
  showing where the DC metadata may be found

- note Pm's careful use of 'normally'; e.g. there is a project here 
  in NZ that will, when it comes to fruition, provide a DC-based 
  window into the entire country's scholarly research output:

  -- make publicly-funded research publicly accessible via the Web

  -- harvest DC metadata on all research outputs that have been 
     deposited in participating institutions' open access digital

  -- expose this harvested DC metadata as a Web Service, enabling
     third party applications, such as a wiki, a learning management
     system, an online library catalogue, or even a word processor, 
     to incorporate live DC data streams, including links to the
     original materials, wherever they may be held

  -- encourage non-aligned researchers, like local historical
     societies, to participate and make their materials available
     to others

  a big dream; a big challenge  

John Rankin

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