[pmwiki-users] Templates question

Ian MacGregor lists at imacgregor.com
Sun Jul 22 19:41:12 CDT 2007

I am using the following in config.php:

## This settings adds the content of Site.SiteHeader
## into the header of every page that is created.
$GroupHeaderFmt = '(:include {$SiteGroup}.SiteHeader basepage={*$FullName}:)
(:nl:)' . $GroupHeaderFmt;

## This settings adds the content of Site.SiteFooter
## into the footer of every page that is created.
$GroupFooterFmt = '(:include {$SiteGroup}.SiteFooter basepage={*$FullName}:)
(:nl:)' . $GroupFooterFmt;

## This setting causes PmWiki to use "Site.HomePageTemplate"
## anytime an author creates a page named "HomePage".
$EditTemplatesFmt = '{$SiteGroup}.{$Name}Template';

I have a group named Cooking (food) and have created a Cooking.RecipeTemplate. 
What I'd like to do is create a setting in config.php that automatically adds 
the content of Cooking.RecipeTemplate into any page that is created in the 
Cooking group. This will assist authors in creating new cooking recipes that 
are uniform in appearance.

I tried:

$EditTemplatesFmt = 'Cooking.RecipeTemplate';

But that overrides the above setting for the HomePage. Once I learn how to do 
this, I can use that info to make other templates.

Any idea how to do this?

Ian MacGregor

MacGregor Despite Them!

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