[pmwiki-users] userauth2 AbyssWebServer versus Apache (XAMPP) webserver error AND suggestions

ThomasP pmwikidev at sigproc.de
Thu Jun 21 11:05:04 CDT 2007

On Thu, June 14, 2007 09:21, Peter K.H. Gragert wrote:
> The error finally found:
> After login with correct username and password the  regeneration of the
> $_SESSION variable after a Redirect($pagename,$urlfmt); (in pmwiki.php) is
> different AbyssWebServer  gives all values back Apache (locally by me yet)
> not (e.g. username admin is missing). So now I have to look at this wrong
> behaviour of the Apachewebserver (maybe some 'different' initialization?
> If
> you know, let me know ;-) )

Interesting. We have the session revival error quite a while and now we at
least know that it might be specific to the web server. (I have tried to
debug this (meaning: to remove the error) with much effort but without
success, and was on the verge of including a custom session support. I
would like to tell the solution, but it is not in sight.)

> Suggestions.
> This was only possible using a debug class, such that I could stop and see
> what happens. Using an editor and a local webserver (only). My php
> debugging
> facility is on my Vista PC not yet running . and if you do not have one
> (see
> another post . ) Interested (what is built in)?

See my personal mail also. I have used my own debug facility debugMsg (see
my Profile page) which was sufficient for me. I'm glad to take
recommendations on good tools for the future and for users still to come.

> Furthermore I learned at the JavaRanch that an if-else  clause  should
> ALWAYS written like (if analogue without else naturally!)
> If (condition){
>    Actions;
> } else {
>    Other actions;
> }
> Which is NOT done at a lot of place if Actions is only ONE command, which
> gave errors ins not realizing (too less attention given)

What does "which gave errors ins not realizing (too less attention given)"
mean? Are there errors which I dont know about?

I usually try to compress the look of the code to a considerable extent,
because I dont like scrolling and rather appreciate overview. (Only
variable naming escapes this desire, for documentary purposes.) With
UserAuth2 this is also partially as adaption to the standard pmwiki code
look. ;)


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