[pmwiki-users] Markup for quotations

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Wed Oct 17 17:56:05 CDT 2007

As far as I can tell, there is currently no pmwiki markup for 
quotations, for example:

    "A model should be as simple as possible, but 
     no simpler." -- Albert Einstein

Creole 1.0 is silent on the topic, although the issue is noted:

The random quote recipe uses paragraph plus indent markup:

Has anyone implemented a local markup for quotations?

The markup needs to convey the text, optionally the author,
and optionally the source. In HTML, it would produce 
<blockquote> output.

I suggest borrowing from :term:definition markup and use:

;author;the text of the quotation

For example:

;Albert Einstein;A model should be as simple as possible, 
but no simpler.


<blockquote>A model should be as simple as possible, but 
no simpler. &mdash; <em>Albert Einstein</em></blockquote>


;;Presistence is the hard work you do after you get tired 
of the hard work you have already done.

produces an authorless blockquote.

The markup could be extended to include the source, but
I'm inclined to omit this initially. Implementation is 

;Pm;The hardest task is choosing good markup.

Suggestions and comments, please.
John Rankin

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