[pmwiki-users] Custom Markup simple problem

Fredrik fredrik at jumans.net
Fri Sep 7 08:58:10 CDT 2007

It might be simple but I can't see what I do wrong. Here is my really advanced function so far...

<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();

Markup('test', 'directives', "/^\(:test[ 	]*(.*?):\)\s*$/e", 

function test($opts) {
	$args = ParseArgs($opts);
	$out = "!! ". $args['first'] ." ";
	$out .= $args['second']. "\n";
	$out .= "!! test\n";
	return $out;


Disabling the last line beginning with $out makes everything work fine. But using both just shows this as a normal textline and not as headers. Any idea?



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