[pmwiki-users] Google map integration

kirpi at kirpi.it kirpi at kirpi.it
Fri Jan 11 05:56:31 CST 2008

> Did you try to reduce the size of the iframe ? try with a small width &
> height first, ..

Well, a smaller iframe set in config.php just reduces the "window",
but the end result is still wanting.
Here is all I get now

Here is the markup I used
(:gmp f=q&hl=it&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=Via+della+Ferratella+7+Roma&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=28.114729,59.765625&ie=UTF8&om=1&s=AARTsJpw0sMQemrKP2PGGbmO4RPXn-GxGw&ll=41.890969,12.504587&spn=0.019168,0.025749&z=14&iwloc=addr&output=embed:)

And here, just for a double check, is what I pasted into config.php

## Enable Google Maps
Markup('gmp', '<block', '/\\(:gmp\\s?(.*?):\\)/ei',"Keep('<iframe
width=400 height=300
frameborder=no scrolling=nomarginheight=0 marginwidth=0
\'rel=\'nofollow\'>Please update your browser</iframe>')");
## End Google Maps


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