[pmwiki-users] How to selectively remove underlining from links

Randy Brown randy at brownragfilms.com
Fri Mar 14 22:22:34 CDT 2014

I want to create a link that looks like a button, without underlining the link text. 

According to PmWiki:LocalCustomizations I can put "a { text-decoration: none; }" into a local.css file to remove underlining for links, but I assume that would affect all links, not just links in the button.

According to PmWiki:WikiStyles I can set the text-decoration CSS attribute using a wikistyle.

But when I created this:

SDVA($WikiStyle['buttonlink'], array(
       'background-color' => '#EEEEEE',
       'color' => '#333333',
       'text-decoration' => 'none',
       'border-top' => '1px solid #CCCCCC',
       'border-right' => '1px solid #333333',
       'border-bottom' => '1px solid #333333',
       'border-left' => '1px solid #CCCCCC',
       'padding' => '2px 6px 2px 6px',
       'font' => 'bold 11px Arial' 

and used markup such as: [[MyPage|%buttonlink%Button A]] and %buttonlink% [[MyPage|Button B]] 

the link text is still underlined. 

How would I remove the underlining from the links that use my buttonlink wikistyle, without affecting normal links?


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