[pmwiki-users] One more was Re: I want to use FmtPV from mackup to set Page Variable, but can't get it to work reliably

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Fri Jul 14 15:09:25 CDT 2017

Oh, InterMap definitions are processed even before any markup rules, so 
your markup rule has not been able to set the PageVariable.

Using a markup rule is not a great way to set a PageVariable. I'd use a 
$FmtPV function instead. See/check how other PageVariables are defined 
as functions in the core (pmwiki.php:123) eg $Groupspaced, $Title, 
$BaseName or $PasswdRead. See how the page group, name or another 
attribute is passed, and think how your variable will work for another 
page like {OtherGroup.OtherPage$mymarkupvar}. It is complex and resource 
intensive, but possible to RetrieveAuthPage the pagename, then to look 
for your markup in the $page['text'] entry.

Or, piggyback on an existing PageVariable if it is never used, eg. 
(:keywords:) or (:description:), and have your markup to set this 
variable by a simple replacement:

   # Convert (:mymarkup:) to (:keywords ccox:myvariable:).
   # When a page is saved, "ccox:myvariable" will be in
   # the 'keywords' property and in $page["keywords"]
   Markup('mymarkupvar', '<keywords', '/\\(:mymarkup:\\)/', '(:keywords 

   # a better way to set the PageVariable
   $FmtPV['$mymarkupvar'] = 'CCGetVariable(@$page["keywords"])';

   function CCGetVariable($keywords) {
     if(preg_match('/ccox:myvariable/i', $keywords)) return 'hello';

This will also populate the "meta keywords" tag in the HTML source of 
the page with "ccox:myvariable". If this is unacceptable, select a 
different way (see/copy how the keywords property is set in 
stdmarkup.php, and add an entry to $SaveProperties).


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On 2017-07-14 20:45, Christopher Cox wrote:
> Let's say I now want to use a InterMap on such a page with my page
> variable populated via markup...
> such that I want to have
> myintermap:    http://example.com/$1?a={$mymarkupvar}
> The variable doesn't populate in that one.  Is it possible?
> On 07/14/2017 01:15 PM, Christopher Cox wrote:
>> Bingo! Thanks Petko! '<{$var}'
>> On 07/14/2017 12:59 PM, Petko Yotov wrote:
>>> When the markup rules are processed one after another, PageVariables 
>>> like {$mymarkupvar} are replaced with their contents very early. Most 
>>> other markup rules are processed later, see 
>>> pmwiki.php?action=ruleset. So your page variable is not yet set when 
>>> it is encountered in the page, and it is replaced with nothing, empty 
>>> string.
>>> MarkupMarkup, ie (:markup:) rules are processed before most other 
>>> rules, and before PageVariables. The content of a (:markup:) block is 
>>> passed through all markup rules one after another, like for the page, 
>>> but before the page. At that point, if you encounter your markup 
>>> rule, it will set the page variable (but not display it in the same 
>>> block). However, later, when the rest of the page is processed, the 
>>> page variable value is already set so when your markup is 
>>> encountered, the variable is replaced with the value.
>>> If you must process your markup rule before {$PageVariables}, change 
>>> the "when" argument (second) on the Markup() call.
>>> Petko
>>> ---
>>> On 2017-07-14 19:45, Christopher Cox wrote:
>>>> Ok.. this is weird.  If my (:mymarkup:) is embedded in
>>>> (:markup:)(:markupend:) it works and my page variable is set. What 
>>>> am
>>>> I missing?
>>>> On 07/14/2017 11:45 AM, Christopher Cox wrote:
>>>>> What I want is to have something like:
>>>>> (:mymarkup:)
>>>>> {$mymarkupvar}
>>>>> on a page.  Where mymarkup does inside it's function:
>>>>> global $FmtPV;
>>>>> $GLOBALS['myvar'] = 'hello';
>>>>> $FmtPV['$mymarkupvar'] = '$GLOBALS["myvar"]';

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