[Pmwiki-users] Demo Autosave on Preview

John Rankin john.rankin
Thu Jul 15 19:35:47 CDT 2004

Definitely time for some of the others who thought this was a good
idea to test it. I think it may have become too complex.

On Thursday, 15 July 2004 10:25 PM, chr at home.se wrote:
>On 15 Jul 2004, John Rankin wrote:

Test site is at:
>> http://intranet.affinity.co.nz/wiki/DraftWP/Purpose

I have changed the notation:

    ?        create new page
    ¿ view new page draft
    !        view existing page draft
    ¡  view original page

So an inverted symbol always refers to a draft action.

>Here's how the top of a draft page looks right now:
>	DraftWP
>	Wiki Sandbox + draft
>	-
>where the '-' was pushed onto a new line since it didn't fit.

I have put a   between the 'draft' and − and made 
'draft' <small>

>Minor detail: The title element of the '+' on a draft should be changed
>from "View Page" to "View original page".

Done and &iexcl; is now 'View page draft' and &iquest; is 
'View new page draft' (+ is now !)

Also, &iexcl; (was *) only appears if an original page exists and 
after pressing Preview & Save Draft on a new page, the page name 
gains an &iquest; instead of an &iexcl;. So I /think/ everything is 
consistent. Finally, the !, &iexcl; and &minus; are superscripts.

>Anyway, I'm not too thrilled by the look... how about this:
>	DraftWP
>	Wiki Sandbox
>	Draft: [Delete] [Go to original page]
>where the third line would be in a much smaller font, and the [..] are the
>links you click on to go to the original page or delete the draft. I was
>thinking that since this is a draft, it doesn't really matter if we always
>use an extra line.

Maybe, but... I think 'Go to original page' should be a ! after the 
page name for the following reasons:
- viewing an original of a page with a draft shows an &iexcl; after the
  page name
- when editing, the page name gains a &iexcl; or &iquest; link after
- to be consistent, the link to the original page should be in the same

So to achieve this effect:

	Wiki Sandbox !
	Draft: [Delete]

you would add the following to your local/config.php (I think):

$PageDraftDeleteFmt = "<br /><small>$DraftText:&nbsp;<a class='nonexistent' " . 
    "title='$DeleteText' href='\$PageUrl?action=deldraft'>[delete]</a></small>";

>We need a better title attribute for the &iquest; link. But I couldn't
>come up with a good text... the use of "original" bites me here. How can I
>talk of a draft copy first... Anyway, here are some

Amended to:
>   Symbol		Text	
>   &iexcl;	View page draft	
>   &iquest;	View new page draft
>   ?		 	Create new page
>   !			View original page

>> How about:
>>       Delete Draft & Revert to Original
>> I think we can have delete in both places.

Easy for /you/ to say. I had been trying to keep this a non-invasive
plug-in. This would go to the heart of the edit form processing. 
Before I embark on this, is it /really/ essential?

>Anyway, it looks like it's time to get more opinions.

====detailed stuff====

>You could probably use a 'hook' class that I wrote.
>See http://wiki.lyx.org/pub/config/hook.php.txt for the class, and search 
>my config.php for 'hook' in order to see how it is used:
>	http://wiki.lyx.org/pub/config/config.php.txt
>The customization would still require config.php to contain something like 
>this at the end of it.
>	//Invoke standard configuration, so that we can override it's
>	//defaults afterwards.
>	//
>	include_once("scripts/stdconfig.php");
>	$customHook->run();// Now run customization hooks

I'll have a look, but I'm a bit wary of adding more complexity. It
would be nice if this 'just worked' with a standard install and most
local customisations. But I'll see what I can do.

>Maybe... what about changing it into:
>	"Editing draft of <Group.Page>"
>that should be pretty obivous. OTOH, then the text when you are not 
>editing a draft should simply be:
>	"Editing <Group.Page>"
>What is the purpose of the title stuff above this text anyway? I mean, how 
>come we don't simply put this at the top:
>	"Editing <Group.Page>"
>	[edit box]
>when you're editing the original (i.e. you haven't previed&saved yet). 
>When you're editing a draft, the top shows:
>	"Editing [draft] of <Group.Page>"
>	[edit box]
>Am I missing something there?

Um, maybe. Some observations:

- the link on Edit <Group.Page> is there from before we had drafts,
  because it's useful to have an obvious way back to the original
  and I have a search on the main page title

- Edit instead of Editing so fewer long pages wrap around (every
  extra character counts)

- For similar reasons, Edit <Group.Page> draft is 6 characters 
  shorter than Editing draft of <Group.Page>

- The author clicks 'Edit Page' or 'Edit Page Draft' so the title
  echoes the link clicked -- 'Page' becomes <Group.Page>

- So I just need to get 'draft' into the edit line in a way that
  plays nicely with other customisations...

John Rankin

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