[Pmwiki-users] new link markup format? [[link] text]

Wayne Lee wl.pmwiki
Sat May 8 11:16:30 CDT 2004


It might be too late in the game here,
but I'd like to suggest an alternative
markup for links.  I stumbled upon this
idea while researching wiki markups:

[[LinkName] alternative text]

IMO, this is a more consistent markup
as links always use brackets and not
braces sometimes.  It also solves some
problems with spaces in filenames and
allows links to be displayed easily without
the url prefix (file://, http://)

Examples follow.  What da ya think?



Markup (input)                   Link Text (output)
--------------                   ------------------

Normal WikiLink (links to WikiPage)

WikiPage                         => WikiPage
[[WikiPage]]                     => WikiPage
[[WikiPage] link to wiki]        => link to wiki
[[WikiPage] ]                    => [1]
[[wiki page]]                    => wiki page
[[wiki page]]s                   => wiki pages

Free Link (links to Wiki)

[[Wiki]]                         => Wiki
[[Wiki] link to wiki]            => link to wiki
[[Wiki] ]                        => [1]
[[wiki]]                         => wiki
[[wiki]]s                        => wikis

URL Link (links to http://google.com)

http://google.com                => http://google.com
[[http://google.com]]            => google.com
[[http://google.com] google]     => google
[[http://google.com] ]           => [1]

Attach LInk (links to file called file.txt)

Attach:file.txt                  => Attach:file.txt
[[Attach:file.txt]]              => file.txt
[[Attach:file.txt] file]         => file

Attach Link with space (links to file called 'my file.txt')

[[Attach:my file.txt]]           => file.txt
[[Attach:my file.txt] my file]   => my file
[[Attach:my file.txt] ]          => [1]

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