[Pmwiki-users] Re: Re: german docs

Knut Alboldt alboldt
Fri May 21 15:39:57 CDT 2004

Albi Rebmann <albi at life.de> wrote:

>>Also, there might exist already some other translation to german or 
>>additional tutorials
>Checkout the follwoing link, there is already German translation, but it 
>is hard to find :-)

ok, there are some we could use as a start and which also should be added 
to the PmWikiDe-Group.
But we (Michael Kiesel and me) were thinking of a complete translation of 
the pages referred on the documentation index into german like it's already 
done by Antony Templier for the frensh translation (congratulations !)

>Add  XLPage('de','PmWikiDe.XLPage');
>and get German files, then it works fine.

I already mailed with Michael and we discussed some basic points to be kept 
in mind before starting.
I got also a mail from Pm with additional points.
So within the next days I want to create a wiki-page gathering all this for 
a short discussion of a german translation so that we can start right away.


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