[Pmwiki-users] a couple of questions

Jonathan Scott Duff duff
Tue Nov 2 12:53:55 CST 2004

In pmwiki2,

1) Is it possible for a directive to set a skin? I'd like to be able to
   do something like

               "\$GLOBALS['PageSkinFmt'] = '$1'");

   Such that (:skin foo:) anywhere on a page will cause that page to use
   the foo skin.

   (I've actually been able to achieve the effect I want here, but it
   entails copying a chunk of code from scripts/tlayout.php. Could
   pmwiki support this behavior natively?)

2) How do I create a directive that acts as a container? For instance,
   if the directive were (:foo:), the following sequence: 


   would generate HTML something like 

	<div class="foo">XXX</div><div class="foo">YYY</div>

   Looking at the source, I thought it might be something like

	$BlockMarkups['foo'] = array('<div class="foo">', '', '</div>');
               "PZZ(\$GLOBALS['BlockMarkups']['foo'][0] = '<:foo>')"

   but that doesn't work.

Any clues?

Jonathan Scott Duff			Division of Nearshore Research
duff at lighthouse.tamucc.edu		Senior Systems Analyst II

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