[pmwiki-users] Kind-of Blog 1.1 released

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Thu Dec 15 19:00:02 CST 2005

One thing that many blogs have, as a means of gaining audience 
participation (and thus a returning audience) is an easy mechanism to 
comment on a post. I think this has been asked for before (outside of 
the Blog context) but this seems to be another appropriate area.

  ~ ~ Dave

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 08:58:10PM +0100, sven saurwein wrote:
>>use the abstract yyyymmddxx uniqute url for (:pagelist:) flexibility to 
>>display and sort things
> (:pagelist:) already has the flexibility to display and sort
> things, and can sort based on criteria other than name (e.g.,
> posting date or last modified date).  So we don't need to use 
> the page name for ordering, since we can easily do it other ways.
> But there's another approach.... everyone repeat after me...
>                  "Trails are our friends!"
> Why worry about the names at all?  All we really want is some way of
> ordering sets of posts and accessing them in some order, and that's
> exactly what trails are for!  So, having seen the discussion and 
> taken a little more time to think about it, here's my view of a blog:
> *  All blog entries are normal wiki pages, with normal page names.
> *  The edit form has a "post blog article" checkbox or button, which
>    causes the current entry to be added to the beginning of a 
>    "blog trail", much the same way that pages are automatically 
>    added to RecentChanges pages.  (It may in fact turn out to be 
>    the same code that handles both.)  
> *  Other posts to the page don't affect the blog trail.
> *  By having the pages on a blog trail, one gets RSS feeds (and
>    podcasts!) for free via .../BlogTrail?action=rss .
> *  The blogger always has the option of reordering articles in
>    the blog by simply editing the blog trail.  Articles in the
>    blog trail can easily belong to different WikiGroups.
> *  WikiTrail markup provides an easy mechanism to go from one
>    article in the blog trail to the next.
> *  Since (:pagelist:) can get a list of pages from a trail,
>    one can easily display the blog in a number of different
>    formats by using (:pagelist trail=BlogTrail fmt=...:),
>    where we can use custom fmt= options for different looks,
>    and do things such as insert dates at the top of each
>    blog entry.
> *  For example, (:pagelist trail=BlogTrail fmt=titles count=10:)
>    could display a simple list of pages by their titles, while
>    (:pagelist trail=BlogTrail fmt=include paras=3 count=10:) 
>    could display the first three paragraphs of each of the 
>    10 most recent articles in the blog.  Of course, one could use
>    order=-time or order=-ctime to order the entries based
>    on the most recent update or the date of creation.
> Comments?  If there's roaring approval then it's very possible
> I could add the above directly to 2.1.  Page comments would
> follow shortly thereafter, since I'd know how to integrate it with
> the blogging scheme.
> Pm
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