[pmwiki-users] Re: Re: Request for changing the default upload policy

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Thu Dec 29 10:35:31 CST 2005

On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 05:51:10AM +0100, christian.ridderstrom at gmail.com wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2005, H. Fox wrote:
> > Or put something in sample-config.php that points to the location. This
> > way you're not adding any new files in the root.
> Would it be possible for us to maintain these examples online? What if we 
> pointed to some wiki pages instead of local files?  (With 'wget' or 'curl' 
> it's just as easy getting the files when you want them)

While it would be possible, most new admins (at least the ones I
target) aren't familiar with the process of downloading a simple 
config file from a wiki page, or even using tools like 'wget' and 
'curl'.  It's much better if the sample config is part of the

> > I'm not a fan of adding another directory unless it makes things
> > clearer, especially for someone installing PmWiki for the first time.
> > I think adding a docs/ directory would accomplish just that.
> > 
> Just to look at things from another point of view... would it be possible 
> to *reduce* the number of documentation files that ship with pmwiki?
> Could for instance 'README', 'COPYING' and 'INSTALL' be merged into one
> file that simply refers to a suitable wiki page? (It'd probably have to be
> one per each new release).

'COPYING' is the General Public License.  It's very important that
this file remain unchanged, part of the distribution (i.e., not
online), and readable without having to install the software.


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