[pmwiki-users] Re: draft/Subpageish stuff (was: Re: Question about HTML output for link targets)

pyg_listes pyg_listes at exiup.com
Sat Feb 5 04:46:35 CST 2005

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

>On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 05:02:49PM -0500, Neil Herber wrote:
>>Just what would subpages add to this mix? Suppose I would like to be able 
>>to have a page that collects comments or discussions of another page. 
>This is exactly what I'm working towards -- I want to be able to have
>a convenient (standard) place to collect comments and drafts of pages.
Hi there,
(as I have some difficulties to follow all the discussion in english, 
please excuse me if I'm a little bit off-topic)

I'm very interested by this type of functionnality for a website I'm 
building (currently not opened).
So, if you're still in brainstorming stage, could you envisage a 
"revisioning" system based on same functionnality than "draft" system ?

Details :
Wikis are great tools to make collaborative writing. But I think that it 
could be usefull to stick a page with a "document revision tag", 
indicating wich status stage the page belong to. (In real-world, some 
wiki page are not *always* in construction process, it's quite usefull 
to know if the document you're reading on is a "definitive" version).

At this time, this is the system I use :
- I've a WikiGroup : Softs
- this group have some pages : Softs/OpenOffice, Softs/Mozilla, 
Softs/TheGimp, etc...
- this group have a Softs/GroupFooter containing :
%right%([[{$Name}Revisions(?action=edit) | Révisions]])
(:include {$Name}Revisions :)

- in my local/config.php, I've added a "revision markup" :
  "<table  border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='100%' ><tr>
<td width='200'> $1</span>
</td><td width='90'> $2
</td><td width='30'> $3
</td><td> $4

- in my Softs/HomePage page, I've a list of includes
(:include Softs/OpenOfficeRevisions :)
(:include Softs/MozillaRevisions :)
(:include Softs/TheGimpRevisions :)

This way, my "redactors" users, when collaborating to a page, could 
access a "revision page" ("Revisions" link at the botom of the page), 
and indicates the progress of redaction progress : 
(:rev:~~~~:Validation:30%:Licence = CC BY-SA:)
And the "project managers" could have a global view of the whole 
progression of each page on Softs/HomePage (each include display an 
easy-to-read table of one row, with users, date, and status of the 
page), wich is *very* usefull.
This works quite well, but it's hard to manage for "redactors" (Page => 
Edit => Write => prewiew => save => click Revision links => indicate 
revision state => save Revision Page)

So my question is : is there a simple way to indicate the state of a 
Wiki page (Todo, work in progress, validation, ok, etc...) ?
(I tried without success to adapt the PITS system, but it was too heavy 
to manipulate for my users).

I just hoped that, as for drafts or comments, it belong to the same idea 
: add some informations *linked to* a page, but not necessary *into* the 
This system/cookbook should be very usefull for anybody that want to 
produce/mark a "definitive" version of a page (like in documentations, 
tutorials, translastions, etc.)
So, as you're in brainstorming stage for Group.Page,Draft or 
Group.Page,Comments   maybe we could think of Group.Page,Revision (or 
Group.Page,Status) ?


For comments/Post-it(TM) system, I finally opted for a CSS solution :
if ((@$_GET['hidecomments']) && ($_GET['hidecomments']=="y")) { 
    global $HTMLStylesFmt;
    $HTMLStylesFmt[] = ".commentaire { display: none;}";
You could see a demo here http://py.keonox.com/Main/BacASable  (click 
"Comments : Hide" on top of the page). Works quite well and fully 
satisfied my users who could add comments into the page (and not only 


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