[pmwiki-users] PmCal Includes

Chris Cox ccox at airmail.net
Sat Aug 26 20:38:06 CDT 2006

Gary Spivey wrote:
> OK,
>  It suddenly dawned on me to change all of the (:include:) references in
> PmCal to be (:includeg:) – this seems to work just fine. Wow – I just
> had to post to this list and the answer became apparent. That’s amazing.

It's not a configurable parameter to PmCalendar, but, yes... easy
to do a global search and replace in the code.

>  Is there any foreseeable reason not to be using includeg like this?

I'm afraid that includeg didn't exist when PmCalendar was written.
I may think about making the markup configurable in a future version.

> -Gary

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