[pmwiki-users] Speedy search?

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed Feb 22 14:32:11 CST 2006

Assuming we cache the contents of MarkupToHTML, here's an updated
list of things that cannot be reliably cached:

  - read access restrictions on the page, or read access restrictions
    of any included components of the page
  - markup that is based on visitor permissions or identity
        (:if auth ...:)
        (:if authid ...:)
  - markup that acts differently depending on form or url parameters
  - any markups that are time sensitive
        (:if date ...:)
  - markups that change skin settings
        (:noleft:), (:noright:), (:noheader:), (:nofooter:)
  - markups that add <meta> and <head> output
        (:keywords:), (:description:)
  - markups that depend on external files
        (:if attachments:)


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