[pmwiki-users] LastModifiedBySummary

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Tue Jun 6 08:25:33 CDT 2006

I added an entry for LastModifiedBySummary in PmWiki/PageVariables and noticed
that the returned value is not treated as literal text: if the summary includes
markup, the markup will be translated and rendered by PmWiki.

For example, when I added a summary stating that I had "Added
{$LastModifiedBySummary}" the entry on the page went into a loop, stating
something like "Added Added Added Added {$LastModifiedBySummary}" 

In another example, one of the summaries included pagelist markup, which caused
the pagelist I created to include a nested pagelist in the middle, which was
very confusing and the cause might not be self evident in other situations.

The easiest way to deal with this is to escape the variable, for example, to
write [={=$LastModifiedBySummary}=] instead of {=$LastModifiedBySummary}.

I can add a note to the PageVariable entry, but, will that be enough?  Should
the default output of {$LastModifiedBySummary} be changed to return literal
strings?  Is there some value and use for having PmWiki applying markup rules to
the value returned by {$LastModifiedBySummary}?


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