[pmwiki-users] PmCalendar 1.0rc8

Chris Cox ccox at airmail.net
Fri Jun 9 09:20:02 CDT 2006

Kevin Wilbourn wrote:
> Just installed RC8 and gave it a try.  It looks pretty close to what I was seeking, only one more issue.
> Multiple entries are not preceded by the name of the calendar, in fact the first calendar listed next to the cals= string in my markup is displayed next to the date header, with no names or separation in the sections.  Any way around this? Ideally for my application, it would display:
> Date
>   Calendar Name 1 - Out
>   Calendar Name 2 - Meeting 9-11
> and so on. 
> If I'm just missing something let me know.  Thanks

PmCalendar works off of simple includes.  There is no easy way to prefix
every line of arbitrary markup with the originating source.  But
this might be possible with some kind of CSS style.  This one
is a challenge... give me some time to look into it a bit.

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