[pmwiki-users] forms issue

Thomas N. Burg mail at randgaenge.net
Wed Jun 21 12:39:57 CDT 2006

Hi everybody,

I'm preparing to switch the website for the BlogTalk Reloaded  
conference from static pages to pmwiki. Everythin is fine sofar.  
There is just one issue I can't resolve. I'd like to integrate a form  
to subscribe to the Feedblitz services. Now, I get an error message  
that the mail-address is malformed.

the markup looks like
(:input form "http://www.feedblitz.com/feedblitz.exe?BurnUser":)
Subscribe to our news\\
via Email
(:input text name email-address size=15:)
(:input hidden name=uri blogtalk:)
(:input submit value=Submit:)
(:input end:)

on the static html page I use this
<form method="post" action="http://www.feedblitz.com/feedblitz.exe? 
BurnUser"><p><label for="email">Enter your email to subscribe:</ 
label><br /><input name="email" maxlength="255" type="text" size="26"  
id="email" /><br /><input name="uri" type="hidden" value="blogtalk" / 
 > <input type="submit" value="Subscribe me!" />

I'm pretty sure I missed something.

see http://blogtalk.net/pmwiki.php

Thanks for your help


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