[pmwiki-users] css altered by version upgrade

Stephan Schildberg schildberg at scoid.de
Wed Sep 6 14:28:20 CDT 2006

Hello Patrick,

I send my config.php, because I don't know quite what you mean.

The urls to this skin:

A hint from you would be really helpful, because I loose my control over 
the CSS.

regards, Stephan.

<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();
##  This is config.php file is based on PmWiki by Patrick Michaud.
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <!-- site concept, design, programming by SCOiD, 
Hamburg, Germany. http://www.scoid.de --> \n";

$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' 
content='text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1' />";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <!-- meta http-equiv='Content-Language' 
content='de' /-->";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <!-- meta http-equiv='expires' content='300' / -->";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta name='revisit after' content='7 days'  />";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta http-equiv='cache-control' 
content='private' / >";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta name='page-topic' content='Bauen Wohnen, 
construction, habitat' / >";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta name='page-type' content='Buch' / >";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta name='audience' content='all' / >";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta name='author' content='Stephan Schildberg, 
material raum form, Hamburg, Germany' />";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta name='copyright' content='material raum 
form, Hamburg, Germany'  />";
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] ="\n  <meta name='email' 
content='info at material-raum-form.com'  />";

##  $WikiTitle is the name that appears in the browser's title bar.
$WikiTitle = ' : : : material raum form : : : ';

$EnableDirectDownload=0; # to disable directory readouts

$DefaultPage = 'Entrance.Entrance';

DisableMarkup('[[|+'); # beta 3 solves it, pmwiki-2.1.beta28 still shows 
no solution

$EnablePageListProtect = 1;

$WikiStyleCSS[] = 'letter-spacing';

$WikiStyleCSS[] = 'text-indent';
$WikiStyle['ind']['text-indent'] = '40px';
$WikiStyle['ind']['apply'] = 'block';

##  $ScriptUrl is your preferred URL for accessing wiki pages
##  $PubDirUrl is the URL for the pub directory.
## $ScriptUrl = 'http://www.material-raum-form.com/mrf';

## search and replace
## Markup('searchstring', 'begin', '/searchstring/', 'replacestring');

## display 404 page, note the .htaccess file above PmWiki which points 
to a wiki page!
$DefaultPageTextFmt = '(:include Main.NoSuchPage:)';

## $PageNotFound = 'Main.NoSuchPage';
$pagename = MakePageName('Main.HomePage', $pagename);

## if ($action == 'browse' && $pagename && !PageExists($pagename)) {
##     header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
##      print "Diese Seite konnte leider nicht gefunden werden.\n";
##      exit();
##   }

## ------------ Rotating routine Start ------------------

$RotateMarkup['default'] = array(
      '[[Products.Waschbecken | 
      '[[Products.Waschtische | 
      '[[Countertops.Arbeitsplatten | 
      '[[Fireplaces.Kamine | 
      '[[Floors.Fussböden | 
      '[[Tabletops.Tabletops | 
      '[[Bathrooms.Baeder | 
      '[[Cooking.Kochen | 
      '[[Habitare.Wohnen | 
      '[[Shops.Shops | 
      '[[Restaurants/Restaurants | 
      '[[Cooking.Kochen | 
      '[[Offices/Bueros | 
      '[[Products.Waschbecken | 
      '[[Products.Waschtische | 
      '[[Countertops.Arbeitsplatten | 
      '[[Fireplaces.Kamine | 
      '[[Tabletops.Tabletops | 
      '[[Bathrooms.Baeder | 
      '[[Cooking.Kochen | 
      '[[Habitare.Wohnen | 
      '[[Shops.Shops | 
      '[[Restaurants/Restaurants | 
      '[[Offices/Bueros | 
      '[[Cooking.Kochen | 
      '[[Restaurants.Restaurants | 
      '[[Countertops.Arbeitsplatten | 
    $RotateMarkupFreq = 5;


## ------------ Rotating routine End ------------------


##groups are protected from being indexed by robots.

Markup('robots', 'directives', '/\\(:robots\\s+(\\w[\\w\\s,]*):\\)/e', 
"PZZ(\$GLOBALS['MetaRobots'] = '$1')");


## Exclude certain pages / groups from search results.
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads)$!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.Group(Print)?Header$!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^Site\\.!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^PmWiki\\.!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^PmWikiDe\\.!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^Main\\.!';
$SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^RD\\.!';

$MailFormAddresses['kontakt_mrf'] = 'info at material-raum-form.com';
$MailFormAddresses['webmaster_mrf'] = 's.schildberg at material-raum-form.com';
$MailFormDefaultSender = 'formular at material-raum-form.com';

# include_once("cookbook/emenu.php");

= PSS(' $1 '))");

##--------------- Language ------------------------------------
## XLPage('de','PmWikiDe.XLPage'); # from i18n.tgz

##--------------- MultiLanguage ------------------------------------
## Publish text of a wiki-page in different languages depending
## on user's choice (either by browser configuration or Link/Cookie)

## If you want the Default language to be Different than English
$DefaultLanguage = 'de';

## If you want to activate Multilanguage (Information only)
## to activate use the include statment
## Could be used to activate display of language on skins
$EnableMultiLanguage = 1;

## Set le Wiki Language to reflect the user choice

if ($GLOBALS['userlang']=='de') {

if ($GLOBALS['userlang']=='en') {

##Markup Extensions
##$MarkupCss = true;


##  If you want to use URLs of the form .../pmwiki.php/Group/PageName
##  instead of .../pmwiki.php?p=Group.PageName, try setting
##  $EnablePathInfo below.  Note that this doesn't work in all environments,
##  it depends on your webserver and PHP configuration.  You might also
##  want to check http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/CleanUrls more
##  details about this setting and other ways to create nicer-looking urls.
$EnablePathInfo = 1;

## $PageLogoUrl is the URL for a logo image -- you can change this
## to your own logo if you wish.
$PageLogoUrl = "$PubDirUrl/skins/mrf/logo-mrf.png";

## If you want to have a custom skin, then set $Skin to the name
## of the directory (in pub/skins/) that contains your skin files.
## See PmWiki.LayoutBasics and Cookbook.Skins.
$Skin = 'mrf';
# $Skin = 'pmwiki';

## You'll probably want to set an administrative password that you
## can use to get into password-protected pages.  Also, by default
## the "attr" passwords for the PmWiki and Main groups are locked, so
## an admin password is a good way to unlock those.  See PmWiki.Passwords
## and PmWiki.PasswordsAdmin.
$DefaultPasswords['admin'] = crypt('secret');

$HandleAuth['diff'] = 'edit';

##  PmWiki comes with graphical user interface buttons for editing;
##  to enable these buttons, set $EnableGUIButtons to 1. 
$EnableGUIButtons = 1;

##  If you want uploads enabled on your system, set $EnableUpload=1.
##  You'll also need to set a default upload password, or else set
##  passwords on individual groups and pages.  For more information
##  see PmWiki.UploadsAdmin.
$EnableUpload = 1;                      
$DefaultPasswords['upload'] = crypt('secret');
$DefaultPasswords['write'] = crypt('secret');
$DefaultPasswords['edit'] = crypt('secret');

##  Setting $EnableDiag turns on the ?action=diag and ?action=phpinfo
##  actions, which often helps the PmWiki authors to troubleshoot
##  various configuration and execution problems.
$EnableDiag = 0;                         # enable remote diagnostics

##  By default, PmWiki doesn't allow browsers to cache pages.  Setting
##  $EnableIMSCaching=1; will re-enable browser caches in a somewhat
##  smart manner.  Note that you may want to have caching disabled while
##  adjusting configuration files or layout templates.
$EnableIMSCaching = 0;                   # allow browser caching

##  Set $SpaceWikiWords if you want WikiWords to automatically
##  have spaces before each sequence of capital letters.
# $SpaceWikiWords = 1;                     # turn on WikiWord spacing

##  Set $LinkWikiWords to zero if you don't want WikiWord links (i.e.,
##  all links are made using [[...]].
# $LinkWikiWords = 0;                      # disable WikiWord links

##  If you want only the first occurrence of a WikiWord to be converted
##  to a link, set $WikiWordCountMax=1.
# $WikiWordCountMax = 1;                   # converts only first WikiWord
# $WikiWordCountMax = 0;                   # another way to disable 

##  The $WikiWordCount array can be used to control the number of times
##  a WikiWord is converted to a link.  This is useful for disabling
##  or limiting specific WikiWords.
# $WikiWordCount['PhD'] = 0;               # disables 'PhD'
# $WikiWordCount['PmWiki'] = 1;            # convert only first 'PmWiki'

##  By default, PmWiki is configured such that only the first occurrence
##  of 'PmWiki' in a page is treated as a WikiWord.  If you want to
##  restore 'PmWiki' to be treated like other WikiWords, uncomment the
##  line below.
# unset($WikiWordCount['PmWiki']);

##  If you want to disable WikiWords matching a pattern, you can use
##  something like the following.  Note that the first argument has to
##  be different for each call to Markup().  The example below disables
##  WikiWord links like COM1, COM2, COM1234, etc.
# Markup('COM\d+', '<wikilink', '/\\bCOM\\d+/', "Keep('$0')");

##  $DiffKeepDays specifies the minimum number of days to keep a page's
##  revision history.  The default is 3650 (approximately 10 years).
$DiffKeepDays=0;                        # keep page history at least 30 days

##  The refcount.php script enables ?action=refcount, which helps to
##  find missing and orphaned pages.  See PmWiki.RefCount.
# if ($action == 'refcount') include_once('scripts/refcount.php');

##  The rss.php script enables ?action=rss and ?action=rdf, which
##  provides RSS feeds for a site based on WikiTrails.  See PmWiki.RSS.
# if ($action == 'rss' || $action == 'rdf') include_once('scripts/rss.php');


##  PmWiki allows a great deal of flexibility for creating custom markup.
##  To add support for '*bold*' and '~italic~' markup (the single quotes
##  are part of the markup), uncomment the following lines.
##  (See PmWiki.CustomMarkup and the Cookbook for details and examples.)
# Markup("'~", "inline", "/'~(.*?)~'/", "<i>$1</i>");        # '~italic~'
# Markup("'*", "inline", "/'\\*(.*?)\\*'/", "<b>$1</b>");    # '*bold*'

##  If you want to have to approve links to external sites before they
##  are turned into links, uncomment the line below.  See 
##  Also, setting $UnapprovedLinkCountMax limits the number of unapproved
##  links that are allowed in a page (useful to control wikispam).
# include_once('scripts/urlapprove.php');
# $UnapprovedLinkCountMax = 10;

##  The following lines make additional editing buttons appear in the
##  edit page for subheadings, lists, tables, etc.
$GUIButtons['h2'] = array(400, '\\n!! ', '\\n', '$[Heading]',
$GUIButtons['h3'] = array(402, '\\n!!! ', '\\n', '$[Subheading]',
$GUIButtons['indent'] = array(500, '\\n->', '\\n', '$[Indented text]',
                     '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/indent.gif"$[Indented text]"');
$GUIButtons['outdent'] = array(510, '\\n-<', '\\n', '$[Hanging indent]',
                     '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/outdent.gif"$[Hanging indent]"');
$GUIButtons['ol'] = array(520, '\\n# ', '\\n', '$[Ordered list]',
                     '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/ol.gif"$[Ordered (numbered) 
$GUIButtons['ul'] = array(530, '\\n* ', '\\n', '$[Unordered list]',
                     '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/ul.gif"$[Unordered (bullet) 
$GUIButtons['hr'] = array(540, '\\n----\\n', '', '',
                     '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/hr.gif"$[Horizontal rule]"');
$GUIButtons['table'] = array(600,
                      '||border=1 width=80%\\n||!Hdr ||!Hdr ||!Hdr 
||\\n||     ||     ||     ||\\n||     ||     ||     ||\\n', '', '',

> On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 03:14:18PM +0200, Stephan Schildberg wrote:
>> After upgrading to 2.1.22 it altered my CSS, but I did not change the 
>> css, honestly.
>> Normally, the links (grey on white background) "Privacy Policy" and 
>> "Terms of use" are aligned to the left border of the screen.
>> http://www.material-raum-form.com/mrf/pmwiki.php/Kontakt/Impressum?userlang=en
> Version 2.1.20 changed PmWiki's default $HTMLStyles['markup']
> setting so that it would be an SDV() value instead of always forcing
> itself on a skin.
> So, I'm guessing that a skin's setting is now taking precedence
> over the PmWiki default.  What skin are you using?
> Pm

> On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 03:14:18PM +0200, Stephan Schildberg wrote:
>> After upgrading to 2.1.22 it altered my CSS, but I did not change the 
>> css, honestly.
>> Normally, the links (grey on white background) "Privacy Policy" and 
>> "Terms of use" are aligned to the left border of the screen.
>> http://www.material-raum-form.com/mrf/pmwiki.php/Kontakt/Impressum?userlang=en
> Version 2.1.20 changed PmWiki's default $HTMLStyles['markup']
> setting so that it would be an SDV() value instead of always forcing
> itself on a skin.
> So, I'm guessing that a skin's setting is now taking precedence
> over the PmWiki default.  What skin are you using?
> Pm

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