[pmwiki-users] multilanguage redesign (was: PageNotFound translation)

Tom Lederer pmwiki at celok.de
Tue Feb 13 15:09:31 CST 2007

Am 13.02.2007 um 21:36 schrieb Patrick R. Michaud:

> On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 06:28:51PM +0100, sgp wrote:
>> With the current recipe:
>> ...
> Many thanks for the details, they are very helpful.  If anyone
> has anything further to add, now is a good time to do it.  :-)

Well, i added a context related improvement, that has not yet found  
its way into the recipe. It was in the thread called:
"Re: [pmwiki-users] MultiLanguage --- again (setting default language)"
this adds a class to the currently used language.

In addition to that i would wish (as we should make a wish list :)  
for a default language, in that manner, that the default langugae is  
assumed if no other statement is given. Makes it easy to throw in a  
few pages compared to having to manually classify all the others to  
the default language (as it is now). Maybe with a variable to switch  
on/off this behaviour.

It should relate (as it does already (!?)) to the XLPage inclusion. I  
mean if i include XLPageFr it should be (optional ?) so, that the  
page also shows french text.

Extended thing, as a note to the developer maybe. I put in my header  
the following (currently in the template):

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="$[en]" xml:lang="$ 
<link rel="alternate" href="$PageUrl?userlang=$[de]" hreflang="$[de]"  
charset="utf-8" title="$[Page in German - Seite in Deutsch]" />

While this is easy with only two langugages. $[en] and $[de] are  
changes in PmWikiDe.XLPageLocal to the opposite.

Can't think of more at the moment.

And thank you for considering this recipe. Thanks a lot :)

Best Regards,

>> Thanks for looking into this. I use the latest stable release, not  
>> a beta.
>> Would you rely on beta features for a new recipe?  Do you advise that
>> I upgrade to beta right away, before l launch my first PmWiki ?
> The beta version has progressed enough that for anyone starting
> a new site, I would recommend starting with the latest beta.
> Pm
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