[pmwiki-users] Slender: prebundled wikis

The Editor editor at fast.st
Thu Jan 25 05:25:50 CST 2007

On 1/24/07, Hans <design5 at softflow.co.uk> wrote:
> I would prefer to restrain from creating another group for these, but
> use the cookbook instead. Indeed some recipes may already qualify
> (like BlogSimple which i called an experiemental blog bundle, and
> which installs with all kinds of prefab pages plus pagelists
> constructing a blog wiki).

As these bundles might include various recipes etc., from elsewhere in
the cookbook, putting them in the cookbook might be confusing.
Imagine doing a search on NewPageBoxPlus and you get 10 bundles using
that recipe...  But then again, it could be done.

> And I think the distinction between a "bundle" and a recipe is rather
> vague. Maybe it is sufficient to use a category [[!Bundle]] on the
> recipe page. An author can emphasise the bundle nature of the recipe
> by including Bundle in the name, as is custom for Skin recipes.

> I can think of maintaining a recipe "bundle", but a prefab wiki bundle
> will include the pmwiki core download, or a modified core?

My orignal thought was indeed to include a full pmwiki core download,
with a ready made wiki.d--only that makes maintaining the bundle a
full time job as PmWiki is updated quite frequently. Another option
might be to set it up as a field for simple farm installations.  So
you just supply the full wiki.d and whatever else you need, and hook
it up to a current code base.  The preferred distribution system might
need to be worked out as there are many farm configurations, but we
could settle on one that would be the easiest for new users to use and
then allow more advanced admins to tweak away as desired.

Oh, and I guess this would be the defining element of a bundle.  That
is, at minimum a full field install at least, though not necessarily
including a code install.


PS.  I appreciate fully Dr Fred's comments.  Exactly the idea and
reasons I had in mind.

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