[pmwiki-users] Execute & render markup from a php function

Peter & Melodye Bowers pbowers at pobox.com
Wed Apr 2 11:40:26 CDT 2008

> I'm looking for a function to execute & render markup.
> ie : I would like to run {(plist groups=* -Site*.* 
> sep=\n)}and get the 
> result in a variable, ..
> Today, I need to execute 'powertools' markup, but markup 
> could be anything 
> else
> something like :
> $mymarkup= '{(plist groups=* -Site*.* sep=\n)}';
> $page['text'] =ExecuteMarkup($mymarkup);
> ...
> ...

The function you are looking for is in scripts/markupexpr.php and is called

You would use it like this (note that you do not include the curly braces --
just the parentheses):

    $mymarkup= '(plist groups=* -Site*.* sep=\n)';
    $tmp = MarkupExpression($pagename, '(' . $e . ')');

Hope that helps.


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